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Hello everyone, I'm Haroon Hakimi from Afghanistan. I'm PhD student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University at school of Media and Communication. I got to know about this competition which is called about China through my eyes. And I participated in that and made a video about the Honghe Hani Terraces. I chose this area because it's a World Culture Heritage Area and it's listed in UNESCO also. I like Chinese culture and Chinese history.
I'm using this equipment since 2018 especially my camera. When I was shooting this video, I had like two main difficulties. The first one was the language one which was really hard to communicate with them. I can't speak Chinese but I overcame it with the help of my friend there. And the second one was to shrink it down in four minutes. I asked some of my professors advice to shrink it in four minutes. So I got the second prize.

The academic atmosphere in this university is really great. And especially in my school, we have lots of facilities to do research here. We have special libraries for all services. The classes are facilitated really well and the professors are all well educated. And it helps to boost my career later.
Beside my academic, I also here work with the university media team. I usually produce some videos and I take some pictures from our university. And I really like to do that, because all my life I was behind the camera. I worked to produce reports. And I still want to like boost my skills here.

After graduating from Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
I want to go back home. And whatever I learned here that can be the culture part, that can be the educational part, or that can be my experience. I will transfer it back to my home country.
我叫Haroon Hakimi,来自阿富汗,是媒体与传播学院的博士生。得知此次“我眼中的中国”——在华留学生“飘逸中国”短视频大赛,我就插足并制作了对于红河哈尼梯田的视频。我聘任这个地区因为它是天下文化遗产,已被伙同国教科文组织列入《天下遗产名录》。我很可爱中国文化和中国历史。



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Reported by Li Jie
Edited by Yue Shunshun
Reviewed by YiTing,Shi Sijia,Liu Kenbo